

Welcome to a sampling of  the weekly Torah study with Rabbi Jason Sobel! Each week, Rabbi Jason and other commentators take us on a journey deeper into a “portion” of one of the five books of Moses, confident that God will bring about personal transformation through biblical revelation. This specific study includes teachings on Jacob’s ladder, his subsequent encounter with his future wife (Rachel), and the power of thanksgiving “by the numbers.”

Rabbi Jason consistently teaches the Fusion Tribe through two primary mediums each week: the Torah Portion Guide (TPG) and a Friday night livestream based on that guide. Due to travel and Shabbat comitments he is not always able to lead the livestream teaching live every week but we do want to be a resource for you each week.

This is a perfect opportunity to join the TPG Tribe. That’s right—Rabbi Jason makes this comprehensive biblical resource available each week for FREE! Head over to fusionglobal.org/weekly-portions-sign-up and sign up today.

If you are looking for past TPG’s or Friday Night live teachings these are available to monthly donors of $25 or more. So much more is included in this Teaching Library and I know you will be blessed as you partner with us regularly to see this message reach, teach, and train many more!

Other ways to view your free Weekly Torah Portion Guide:

Biblical Calendar 5785
Rosh Hashanah 5785 with Rabbi Jason Sobel

    Access the Weekly Scripture Study

    Sign up for free and receive the weekly Torah Portion Guide from Rabbi Jason Sobel and Fusion Global.

    I want to receive this free study through the Scriptures delivered each Thursday evening (Eastern). View the privacy policy.

    "“Tribes” is a turn-key format. All I had to do was open my home and welcome a few friends; the rest was already laid out for me. Seeing my Christian friends understand my passion for maintaining Jewish roots and seeing them get excited about the fusion between the Old Testament and New Testament is such a blessing to behold. I am looking forward to moving through the entire Biblical year with Tribes!"

    Dusty, Tribe Leader

    What is Fusion with Rabbi Jason?

    It is in looking back at what God has done that we can see forward to His future plans for us. “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jer 29:11.

    At Fusion Global with Rabbi Jason Sobel, we want to add definition to your faith as we restore the lost connection to our ancient roots and rediscover our forgotten inheritance.

    Learn More


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    BECOME A FUSION GLOBAL PARTNER with Rabbi Jason Sobel in developing a number of innovative resources to help you, individuals, small groups, and churches to grow in their faith through teaching that creates “aha moments” by connecting Old and New.

    Would you prayerfully consider partnering with us to reach and teach the World?

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