In John 10, Yeshua is in Jerusalem for the celebration of Hanukkah. Prior to that, in John 9, he performs a miracle for the man who has been blind since birth. Right before He spits in the mud and places it on the sightless eyes, He calls Himself “…the Light of the world.” The light He is referring to in Himself, I believe, is the divine light, which was the very first thing the Lord brought forth at creation. Since the sun was not created until the third day, it is traditionally understood by the rabbis that it was a special celestial light that emanated from God and illuminated all creation. It is the same light that illumines the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21: “The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it…”
With the lighting of each Hanukkah candle, we are rededicating ourselves to and re-centering on Messiah, the divine light. In fact, in Matthew 5:14, Jesus calls us, His followers, “…the light of the world.” Like the Levites of long ago, we are called to steward that light. We are reminded to see the light of the promises of God and be the light of the promises of God. Anything that tries to diminish that must extinguish at all costs.
The great miracle that happened there is the Miracle of Hanukkah that is for us today as well: Even when the oil runs low, God keeps the oil burning. He is not limited by a limited supply or overwhelmed by overwhelming odds. Remember, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit…”, which is unchanging. So make sure that your life remains lit for Him!
This course was designed for you. Filmed in the Holy Land, you will see God, His Word, and the celebration of Christmas in a new, transforming way, gaining a deeper understanding of the context of the first Christmas and all the prophecies and promises connected to it. Journey Deeper