The Chosen Unveiled with Rabbi Jason Sobel
– a TBN Teaching Series
“Though Joseph recognized his brothers, they did not recognize him” (Gen 42:8).
This small line tucked away in the Torah’s description of Israel’s descent into Egypt is significant. Although sharing DNA and growing up in the same household, Jacob’s sons were clueless as they stood before their very own brother! Why?
We find the answer in the previous chapter:
It wasn’t just the years of separation (and presumption of death) that stumped Jacob’s brothers—it was the fact that Joseph looked like an Egyptian. We face a similar challenge today. Many people struggle to recognize Yeshua-Jesus because Western culture has draped Him in its version of Egyptian garments. Western art and cinema have cloaked everything about Yeshua—from His name to His lifestyle (which fully and faithfully embodied the Jewish faith)—in imagery which renders Him a blond-haired teacher philosopher whose last name is “Christ.”
Enter: The Chosen.
The most extensive crowdfunded TV series of all time, The Chosen, has been seen more than 70 million times. What makes this even more compelling is the series’ commitment to present the life of Yeshua and His followers with profound authenticity. This production is our moment to behold the Savior in all of His personal, historical, and cultural Jewishness. Rabbi Jason had the opportunity to serve as the “Spiritual Advisor” on series one of The Chosen, bringing his expertise and life experience to the project. No one could have imagined that those inaugural episodes would reach tens of millions of people, but we’re so glad it did! It has awakened a hunger in men’s and women’s hearts to journey deeper into their Christian faith’s Jewish roots.
Enter: The Chosen Unveiled.
We’re thrilled to work with TBN and The Chosen once again to bring you this teaching series, which serves as a teaching companion to season two of The Chosen. Join Rabbi Jason on a biblical and historical adventure, discovering the rich theology that is foundational to the series’ success. If you’re hungry for “more”—a more historically and culturally faithful sense of who your Savior is—you’re going to love this new season of The Chosen Unveiled.
Here’s an overview of the themes you’ll encounter in Season 2…
- The messianic significance of Yeshua’s miraculous signs.
- The historical and cultural context of His parables.
- Subtle details in the Jewish practice of reading a Torah scroll.
- What Yeshua’s audience would have understood by certain symbols, like the fig tree.
- Powerful correlations between Yeshua’s ministry and the work of Israel’s prophets.
- Rabbinic insights to the very essence of the Torah that transform our understanding of it.
- And, of course, plenty of connections between Hebrew letters and numbers!
Now consider the joy, wonder, and amazement that came over Joseph’s brothers when they heard him say, “Please come near me… I’m Joseph, your brother” (Gen 45:4). The Chosen Unveiled will create an opportunity for people to experience fresh revelation and connection with their Savior and their God. This teaching series isn’t just a chance to grow in knowledge but in intimacy with our Maker.
Unless otherwise noted, all biblical passages referenced are in the Tree of Life Version.