
Welcome to Fusion Tribes!

There are many disciples who lack two big things that are critical for spiritual growth: community and solid resources. Fusion Tribes do not take the place of a local church or Messianic synagogue. But Fusion Tribes do help people who feel isolated and spiritually hungry find what they may be lacking. Please continue reading below to learn more about Fusion Tribes! And we hope you will consider STARTING A TRIBE

What is a Fusion Tribe? Fusion Tribes are small, local Bible study groups that meet regularly for discipleship and community, utilizing Fusion resources to guide their gatherings. 
Why Fusion Tribes? Because we are passionate about multiplying disciples in small, local, in-person groups. Fusion Tribes are where we can study the Bible in high definition – together!

Who can start a Tribe? You can! You don’t have to be a gifted leader to start a Tribe. You simply have to be available for God to use with a heart that desires to see people grow in their faith. Click Here to learn more about how to start a Tribe. 

How do Fusion Tribes work? There are winter, spring, and fall Tribes seasons. Each season has a unique theme that covers 8 sessions and runs for 8 weeks. See the upcoming Tribes schedule.

Every Fusion Tribe has a leader and at least one student who is not a spouse. We encourage Tribes to meet in person, but virtual attendance is allowed. Tribe leaders have access to Fusion Tribes resources (information on resources is listed below). Leaders can invite students to participate in their Tribe gatherings. 

What are the tools utilized for Fusion Tribes? There are three main tools provided for every Tribe session. 

    1. Tribe Talk Video – a 15–20-minute video featuring Rabbi Jason Sobel which discusses the session theme. Tribe Talk videos serve as the basis for the group discussion segment of a Tribe meeting.
    2. Leader Discussion Guide – a list of instructions and questions to guide the discussion component of your Tribe session.
    3. Student Guide – 1-2 page resource for Tribe members, which includes the session summary, an explanation of key terms, and additional resources.
Can I sample the Fusion Tribes tools before I apply to start a Tribe?
Absolutely! Submit your email below so we can send you a sample of the Tribe resources.

    "Tribes Season 1 -- Purim and Pesach. This is a great overview of many bigger steps and many deeper mysteries of the connections in God's Appointed Times of the Old and the New Testaments. It is an amazing start to a hunger to go even deeper looking for the "But there's more!" for Yeshua in Shavuot and the Temple."

    Shelley W.

    If I lead a Tribe, do I have to participate in every Tribe season? No. As a Tribe leader, you are welcome to take a break for a season at your discretion.

    Who can join a Tribe? Anyone! To join a Tribe, you must know a Fusion Tribe Leader, and there must be space in the Tribe you want to join. If you don’t know any Tribe leaders, consider starting your own.

    What if I can’t lead a Tribe and want to Learn? Many have expressed that you are not quite ready to Start a Fusion Tribe small group Bible Study. But you’ve said that you would like to join a Tribe as a Student. NOW, you can join Tribes as a Student in one of our online Tribes led by our Fusion Team!

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