Encountering God in the Holy Land

Encountering God in the Holy Land | Rock Road Rabbi Tour of Israel with Rabbi Jason Sobel

You will encounter God in the Holy Land, an experience of God’s presence in the Holy Land, the place of which God said, “I have…put My Name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there every day” (1 Kings 9:3).

Nothing is as precious as the Lord, and no experience is more valuable than being in His presence. As the psalmist declared, “For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else” (Psalm 84:11). Time spent in God’s presence—and the intimate relationship with our heavenly Father that cultivates— is something that we should constantly seek.

what lens are you using Israel

What Lens Are You Using to Read Your Bible and View the Land of Israel?

What lens are you using to read your Bible and view the land of Israel? The questions and concerns of the average person walking down the street in Jerusalem differ from those of a person walking down the street in Los Angeles. To walk the streets of Israel and engage local shop owners (and experience an Israeli breakfast) begins the process of learning to think outside of our own culture and to attempt to understand the perspective of another.

Encounter the Bible, Come Alive in Israel

“You could see the wonder in their eyes, much like a young child opening a pop-up book for the first time. The Bible stories coming to life essentially leaped off the page into their personal experience in those powerful moments, an encounter with the Bible and Jesus.”

Psalm 91

Psalm 91 – Demons, Pandemics, and Animals…Oh My!

In Psalm 91, what do demons, pandemics, animals, and fighting have in common? Psalm 91 gives the keys to winning battles.  Since ancient times, God’s people have considered Psalm 91 an effective weapon comparable to a sophisticated nuclear missile that strikes at the heart of the enemy’s barrage of attacks. It can deal such a deadly blow that our eternal Adversary even tried to desperately wield it against the Messiah Himself—unsuccessfully (Luke 4:9-13). So let’s use this psalm in our arsenal to stand against the enemy’s schemes, those “false arguments and high-minded things that exalt against the knowledge of God” (Ephesians 6:11).

Jesus Our Passover

Jesus Our Passover

Jesus in the Passover: The Apostles recognized that the Messiah was so intimately connected to Passover that they even referred to Him as “our Passover Lamb” (1 Corinthians 5:7; 1 Peter 1:19), but this raises many questions. Why are the Messiah and Passover so interconnected? What does it mean for Yeshua Jesus to be our Passover Lamb?  Join me and let’s journey deeper to explore the answers.


Nisan – Season of Redemption

Nisan – Season of Redemption, But what does it mean? Redemption is God reaching down to us in our lowest of places and lifting us out of them miraculously. We carry redemption with us in the form of the indwelling Messiah and, by extension, His Father. Thus, by graciously receiving Yeshua’s redemption, we carry it with us through all our circumstances.

Passover Seder

Passover–Every Believer’s Heritage

Passover is every believer’s heritage. Whether you’re celebrating Passover for the first time this year or are a seasoned veteran, take hold of the freedom this holiday offers in Messiah. Reclaim your spiritual heritage by participating in Passover this year, and ask yourself, “What will I do with my freedom?” 

Aaronic Blessing Birkat Kohanim

Birkat Kohanim // The Priestly Blessing

The Birkat Kohanim, initially commanded by God for the Kohanim (priests, descendants of Aaron), in the time of the Temple, this blessing was performed twice daily, after the morning offering and the afternoon offering. Today, at least in Israel, it is performed daily in Synagogue prayers. When parents bless their children every Friday night, they also use this blessing.  

666 Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast and Why 666?

It’s almost certainly no exaggeration to suggest that the most infamous number in all scripture is “666” (see Rev 13:18). Two foundational points need to be established to reach a deeper understanding of this biblical number. The FIRST issue is the symbolism or meaning of the number six. In Hebraic thought, six is the number of man (Adam was created on the sixth day) specifically, and the number of the whole of the physical realm generally.

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