
Torah and Greatness

An invitation to Greatness – The Torah and You. What if we thought of Yeshua not only as the “Lord of the Shabbat” but of the Torah as well (see Matt 12:1-8)? After all, the Torah was written for the sake of the Messiah. In its pages, we discover the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge that have the power to transform us by God’s Ruach (Spirit). By His grace, may we all say with the psalmist, O how I love Your Torah! 
It is my meditation all day. (Psalm 119:97 tlv)


Join me and cast your cares into the depths of the sea – a special ceremony during the “10 days of Awe” between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur meant to release us from the old care, regrets, and sins of last year as we begin the new year.

The Lord's Prayer

Prayer is essential to a flourishing spiritual life. In the Scripture, the Apostle Paul directs us to “pray constantly” (1 Thess 5:17). What is prayer? For many people, prayer is heartfelt communion with God, sincere “dialogue” with our Maker. This communication commonly takes the form of spontaneous, unscripted speech. But throughout the history of both the Jewish and Christian traditions, there have also been formal, written prayers for the entire community’s use.

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Friends, we’re not merely biding our time—God created the world and we’re essential participants in God’s incredible redemptive work! Genesis 1:1 holds the keys to this mystery

Water into Wine
Why was Jesus' first miracle water into wine? Cana of Galilee Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Now [...]
Shavuot and Pentecost
Why Don’t Easter and Passover Always Fall on the Same Dates? During recent teachings on Yeshua’s Ascension and Shavuot, some folks noticed that Christian churches didn’t celebrate these significant events until a week later. Of course, both events connect to Passover (40 and 50 days removed, respectively). The simple fact is, that Christians celebrate the [...]

The Chosen Unveiled with Rabbi Jason Sobel – We’re thrilled to work with TBN and The Chosen to produce this teaching series, which serves as a teaching companion to the eight episodes of season one. The Chosen Unveiled extends an invitation to discover the rich theology that is foundational to the series’ success.

Mysteries of the Messiah environment

Who doesn’t love a mystery? Whether we’re binge-watching a series on Netflix or turning book pages late into the night, we are driven by the desire to uncover clues and figure things out. Many of these stories revolve around a central figure, the protagonist, who works to solve the mystery and save the day.

Jewish Holidays

For most of the last 2,000 years, the Church has not focused much on the biblical Jewish holidays. This historical fact can leave many Gentile followers of Yeshua, wondering, “Why should I celebrate the Jewish holidays?” This question is excellent, and I think it presents an opportunity to grow and learn.

Breakthrough square

As we celebrated Rosh Hashana last fall, we entered the Jewish year 5780—a new year and a new decade (the 80s are back, baby!). We’re in the year/decade of the mouth, and more significantly, Breakthrough. We’ve entered a prophetic season of supernatural strength and power to overcome.



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