“Hu Eloheinu” song performed live by Tracy Thomas at our Fusion Erev Yom Kippur service. This song reminds us that He is our G-d, He is our Father, He is our King, He is our Deliverer. ‘ HU ELOHEINU Hu Eloheinu, Hu Avinu Hu Malkenu, Hu Moshieinu V’hu yashmienu b’rahamav she’nit She’nit l’enei kol chai […]
It had been nearly a month since the Israelites were set free from their slavery in Egypt. Now they were wandering in the wilderness, and they were growing disillusioned. When they ran out of water, they started to panic. God allowed this to happen in order to test the Israelites, and to teach them more […]
Enjoy this beautiful song, Kol Nidre, traditionally sung at the beginning of Erev Yom Kippur service. This clip is from our Fusion Yom Kippur event. The song is performed by Fusion worship leader Tracy Thomas. KOL NIDRE Kol Nidre Ve’esaray ush’vuay V’charamay vekonamay V’kinusay v’chinuyay D’indarna Ud’ishtabana ud’acharimna Ud’assarna al nafshatana MiYom Kippurim zeh Ad Yom […]
Our sages disagree on the number of commandments that our ancestors heard at Sinai. Maimonides, for example, says that Israel only heard God directly speak the first two commandments. Others believe that the Jewish people heard all Ten Commandments as they were spoken by God. Which is correct? According to the famous medieval Rabbi and Torah Scholar Rashi, […]
Maoz Tzur Listen to this beautiful traditional Hanukkah song, “Maoz Tzur,” (Rock of Ages) performed by Fusion worship leader Tracy Thomas, along with her husband Julian Fletcher. Follow along with the recording with the lyrics below. Ma’oz tzur yeshu’ati Lecha na’eh lesha be’eh’yach Tikon beit te-fi-la-ti Ve sham toda neza’beh’eh’yach Leh et tachin mat be-yach, […]
Listen to this wonderful Hanukkah song, “Al Hanissim,” performed by Fusion worship leader Tracy Thomas and her husband Julian Fletcher. Sing along with the lyrics below! Al hanissim, v’al hapurkan V’al hag’vurot, v’al hat’shuot V’al hamilchamot sh’asita lavoteinu Bayamim hahem baz’man hazeh Thank You for the miracles and redemption The mighty deeds and for Your […]
Learn how to light the Hanukkah Menorah and recite the Hanukkah blessings by listening to this helpful video with step-by-step instructions, and blessings sung by Tracy Thomas. Follow along with the blessings below: Barukh atta Adonai, Elohenu Melekh ha‘olam, asher kideshanu be-mitzvotav vetzivanu le-hadlik ner shel Chanukka. English Translation: Praised are you, Adonai, Our God, […]
For over 1500 years, people have worshipped at the believed site where Yeshua/Jesus was born. The entrance to the site is a small door, known as the “Door of Humility.” What is the spiritual significance of its size? What is the quality that both Moses and Messiah possessed that is pleasing to God? Journey with Jason to […]
God has always been. Three-in-one: Father, Spirit, and Son. A family. A perfect union. So, why did they want us? God is Love, and Love can’t contain itself. Love needs to pour out and be received. We were created as the object of their affection, the benefactors of their love. Heaven is all about relationship. Messiah […]
God wanted an earthly address. Just as there is a heavenly Jerusalem and Temple, so must there be “…on earth as it is in heaven.” His earthly dwelling was the Temple on Mt. Moriah. What was it that made God pick that location out of all the real estate on earth? Why did God allow […]