The Names of God YHVH

Who Are You? YHVH – The Name of God

We have to ask: what is the Hebrew name for God? A deep dive into God’s name reveals not just who He is but how that reality affects our lives. How should we live now that we know God to be the Father revealed in Yeshua? This is why our journey deeper in God’s Word matters: it calls us to a new way of life.

666 Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast and Why 666?

It’s almost certainly no exaggeration to suggest that the most infamous number in all scripture is “666” (see Rev 13:18). Two foundational points need to be established to reach a deeper understanding of this biblical number. The FIRST issue is the symbolism or meaning of the number six. In Hebraic thought, six is the number of man (Adam was created on the sixth day) specifically, and the number of the whole of the physical realm generally.

Move Your Big Buts If You Want Breakthrough

As we celebrated Rosh Hashana last fall, we entered the Jewish year 5780—a new year and a new decade (the 80s are back, baby!). We’re in the year/decade of the mouth, and more significantly, Breakthrough. We’ve entered a prophetic season of supernatural strength and power to overcome.

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