Hebrew Letters and Numbers Volume 1 – Aleph to Chet


This study guide explores each individual letter, uncovering its value, meaning, and significance in the light of Yeshua-Jesus.


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Welcome to Hebrew Letters and Numbers ⏤ Volume 1 from Aleph to Chet!

Paperback coming soon!

THE VIDEO COURSE: Is available immediately: Hebrew Letters and Numbers Volume 1 – Aleph to Chet

The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters—from the first, “aleph,” to the last, “tav.” And the very word “alphabet” becomes even more interesting when you discover the second letter: “bet.” Pairing the first two letters, “aleph” and “bet,” looks pretty similar to our English word, “alphabet.”

Even more spectacular is how God used the very essence of Hebrew letters to create the universe. How? Every Hebrew letter has a numerical value, starting with the first letter (aleph), representing the numeral one. After that, the letters have various numerical values, concluding with the last letter (tav), which equals 400. Thus, when God spoke Creation into existence, those words had numerical value because their letters were also numbers. This act of sovereignty quite literally speaks to the infinite mind of the Lord.

We live in a universe based on math and quantum physics, and Genesis 1 reveals how letters (with numerical value) are the building blocks of Creation. Consequently, the spiritual code to Creation surrounds us daily, just waiting for us to discover its greatest depths.

For example, the Hebrew word echad means “one.” And after examining the letters that comprise it—aleph (1), het (8), and dalet (4)—we discover that echad equals thirteen (13). Thus, thirteen is the number of oneness. This claim might seem odd since Western culture typically considers thirteen to be bad or “unlucky. But biblically speaking, this number points to quite the opposite: blessing.

This study guide explores each letter, uncovering its value, meaning, and significance in the light of Yeshua Jesus.

*NOTE the Paperback version is printed in Black and White.


THE VIDEO COURSE: Is available immediately: Hebrew Letters and Numbers Volume 1 – Aleph to Chet


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