This is one of the songs we sing each year at the Passover Seder, entitled “Ha Lachma Anya.” It speaks of the bread of affliction that the Israelites ate in the land of Egypt. It goes on with an invitation saying “Let all who are hungry come and eat. Let all who are in need […]
A traditional Hebrew song sung by Jews every Friday night upon returning home from synagogue prayer. It signals the arrival of the Jewish Sabbath, welcoming the angels who accompany a person home on the eve of the Sabbath. Performed by Fusion worship leader Tracy Thomas. SHALOM ALEICHEM Shalom aleichem mal'achei hasharet mal'achei elyon Mimelech mal'achei [...]
This is a powerful song and prayer asking the L-rd to protect Israel. Performed live by Tracy Thomas at our Fusion Erev Yom Kippur service. SHOMER YISRAEL Shomer Yisrael, sh’mor she’arit Yisrael Ve’al yovad Yisrael, ha’omrim, “Sh’ma Yisrael” GUARDIAN OF ISRAEL Guardian of Israel, protect the remnant of Israel Let Israel not perish, those who […]
“Hu Eloheinu” song performed live by Tracy Thomas at our Fusion Erev Yom Kippur service. This song reminds us that He is our G-d, He is our Father, He is our King, He is our Deliverer. ‘ HU ELOHEINU Hu Eloheinu, Hu Avinu Hu Malkenu, Hu Moshieinu V’hu yashmienu b’rahamav she’nit She’nit l’enei kol chai […]
Enjoy this beautiful song, Kol Nidre, traditionally sung at the beginning of Erev Yom Kippur service. This clip is from our Fusion Yom Kippur event. The song is performed by Fusion worship leader Tracy Thomas. KOL NIDRE Kol Nidre Ve’esaray ush’vuay V’charamay vekonamay V’kinusay v’chinuyay D’indarna Ud’ishtabana ud’acharimna Ud’assarna al nafshatana MiYom Kippurim zeh Ad Yom […]
Maoz Tzur Listen to this beautiful traditional Hanukkah song, “Maoz Tzur,” (Rock of Ages) performed by Fusion worship leader Tracy Thomas, along with her husband Julian Fletcher. Follow along with the recording with the lyrics below. Ma’oz tzur yeshu’ati Lecha na’eh lesha be’eh’yach Tikon beit te-fi-la-ti Ve sham toda neza’beh’eh’yach Leh et tachin mat be-yach, […]
Listen to this wonderful Hanukkah song, “Al Hanissim,” performed by Fusion worship leader Tracy Thomas and her husband Julian Fletcher. Sing along with the lyrics below! Al hanissim, v’al hapurkan V’al hag’vurot, v’al hat’shuot V’al hamilchamot sh’asita lavoteinu Bayamim hahem baz’man hazeh Thank You for the miracles and redemption The mighty deeds and for Your […]
"The Rabbi makes a most exciting explanation of the Scriptures. I’ve studied the Bible for three decades now and the Rabbi’s explanations bring everything together. He provides such a fresh perspective on everything as seen through Jewish eyes. I knew the Bible speaks of the Messiah from the beginning to the end but I didn’t know this was true literally from the first letter in Genesis to the last letter of Revelation."
What is Fusion with Rabbi Jason?
It is in looking back at what God has done that we can see forward to His future plans for us. “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jer 29:11.
At Fusion Global with Rabbi Jason Sobel, we want to add definition to your faith as we restore the lost connection to our ancient roots and rediscover our forgotten inheritance.