Jesus in the Passover: The Apostles recognized that the Messiah was so intimately connected to Passover that they even referred to Him as “our Passover Lamb” (1 Corinthians 5:7; 1 Peter 1:19), but this raises many questions. Why are the Messiah and Passover so interconnected? What does it mean for Yeshua Jesus to be our Passover Lamb? Join me and let’s journey deeper to explore the answers.
Nisan – Season of Redemption, But what does it mean? Redemption is God reaching down to us in our lowest of places and lifting us out of them miraculously. We carry redemption with us in the form of the indwelling Messiah and, by extension, His Father. Thus, by graciously receiving Yeshua’s redemption, we carry it with us through all our circumstances.
Passover is every believer’s heritage. Whether you’re celebrating Passover for the first time this year or are a seasoned veteran, take hold of the freedom this holiday offers in Messiah. Reclaim your spiritual heritage by participating in Passover this year, and ask yourself, “What will I do with my freedom?”
The Jewish Holiday of Purim celebrates God’s deliverance for the Jewish people as found in the Book of Esther. Purim occurs in the month of Adar. When Adar comes, there is a season of joy. This is what the Jewish sages say, “Just as we decrease joy in the month of Av, so should we increase joy in the month of Adar.”
Millions of people step into the New Year with “New Year’s resolutions.” This practice of setting goals for the upcoming year has its pros and cons, but as followers of Yeshua-Jesus, we need to ask ourselves: what is the source of our goals and how do we hope to achieve them?
Chanukah is a time of joy and celebration for Jewish people all over the world. It is a season of hope—the confident belief that our future will be better than our past. As followers of Yeshua-Jesus, we have a reason to celebrate: the Light of the world dwells within us. I invite you to join me as we take a closer look at this holiday and consider its meaning on a spiritual and personal level.
Join me and cast your cares into the depths of the sea – a special ceremony during the “10 days of Awe” between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur meant to release us from the old care, regrets, and sins of last year as we begin the new year.
Why Don’t Easter and Passover Always Fall on the Same Dates? During recent teachings on Yeshua’s Ascension and Shavuot, some folks noticed that Christian churches didn’t celebrate these significant events until a week later. Of course, both events connect to Passover (40 and 50 days removed, respectively). The simple fact is, that Christians celebrate the [...]
For most of the last 2,000 years, the Church has not focused much on the biblical Jewish holidays. This historical fact can leave many Gentile followers of Yeshua, wondering, “Why should I celebrate the Jewish holidays?” This question is excellent, and I think it presents an opportunity to grow and learn.
As we celebrated Rosh Hashana last fall, we entered the Jewish year 5780—a new year and a new decade (the 80s are back, baby!). We’re in the year/decade of the mouth, and more significantly, Breakthrough. We’ve entered a prophetic season of supernatural strength and power to overcome.
"I am being filled with awe and wonder . I have read and studied the Bible for many years and I am feeling like a child in a candy store with all the good nuggets I am reading and exploring with Fusion. Tell me more I want to go deeper."
What is Fusion with Rabbi Jason?
It is in looking back at what God has done that we can see forward to His future plans for us. “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jer 29:11.
At Fusion Global with Rabbi Jason Sobel, we want to add definition to your faith as we restore the lost connection to our ancient roots and rediscover our forgotten inheritance.