What are the Jewish Fall Holidays?

Many ask each year: What are the Jewish Fall Holidays or Biblical Holidays? Here is an overview from a messianic perspective:

In Leviticus 23, we read about three holidays, commonly referred to as the “fall feasts.” The underlying fact that we should always keep in mind is that Scripture clarifies that these special seasons are not merely “Jewish” holidays—they are the Lord’s! In the opening of that chapter, Adonai clearly states: “Speak to Bnei-Yisrael, and tell them: These are the appointed moadim of Adonai, which you are to proclaim to be holy convocations—My moadim” (Lev 23:3/TLV).

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur & Yeshua: From Brokenness to Wholeness

The scapegoat represented the sins of the nation; Yom Kippur points to the ultimate redemption of the world, the fullness of redemption. A redemption is paid for, not by the blood of an animal, which still leaves a deficit, but by Yeshua’s blood, marking the debt PAID IN FULL.

What about Tashlich

What about Tashlich? A Story of Forgiveness

What about Tashlich? In some sense, Tashlich involves the physical act of walking to be next to a body of water as a reenactment and remembrance of the binding of Isaac. Tashlich represents an opportunity for those of us whose lives have been transformed by Yeshua’s sacrificial love to focus on our Messiah’s ultimate expression of surrender on the cross. 

Regarding the Shofar

Regarding the Shofar

Regarding the Shofar: a tool of great potential power. Used with discernment and discretion, it can be a potent spiritual tool. The horn, by itself, obviously is just a horn. Owning one or a thousand of these ancient horns will do nothing for you. The same is true of simply blowing the shofar. In the natural, the shofar will do little more than make noise. However, there is a rich tapestry of meaning in the Scripture relevant to this ancient instrument. As we appropriate these insights by faith, we can imbue the shofar and its sound with spiritual potency. In this context, the shofar can, in some real sense, become like other spiritual tools or “weapons” at our disposal (such as prayer, Scripture, praise, etc.). The shofar blast is only ever as effective as the spiritual sincerity and integrity of the one using it.

New Year’s Resolutions: Breakthrough | Rabbi Jason Sobel

Millions of people step into the New Year with “New Year’s resolutions.” This practice of setting goals for the upcoming year has its pros and cons, but as followers of Yeshua-Jesus, we need to ask ourselves: what is the source of our goals and how do we hope to achieve them?


Tashlich – Cast Your Cares into the Depths of the Sea

Join me and cast your cares into the depths of the sea – a special ceremony during the “10 days of Awe” between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur meant to release us from the old care, regrets, and sins of last year as we begin the new year.

Why Celebrate the Jewish Holidays?

For most of the last 2,000 years, the Church has not focused much on the biblical Jewish holidays. This historical fact can leave many Gentile followers of Yeshua, wondering, “Why should I celebrate the Jewish holidays?” This question is excellent, and I think it presents an opportunity to grow and learn.

Move Your Big Buts If You Want Breakthrough

As we celebrated Rosh Hashana last fall, we entered the Jewish year 5780—a new year and a new decade (the 80s are back, baby!). We’re in the year/decade of the mouth, and more significantly, Breakthrough. We’ve entered a prophetic season of supernatural strength and power to overcome.

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