We have to ask: what is the Hebrew name for God? A deep dive into God’s name reveals not just who He is but how that reality affects our lives. How should we live now that we know God to be the Father revealed in Yeshua? This is why our journey deeper in God’s Word matters: it calls us to a new way of life.
It’s almost certainly no exaggeration to suggest that the most infamous number in all scripture is “666” (see Rev 13:18). Two foundational points need to be established to reach a deeper understanding of this biblical number. The FIRST issue is the symbolism or meaning of the number six. In Hebraic thought, six is the number of man (Adam was created on the sixth day) specifically, and the number of the whole of the physical realm generally.
As we celebrated Rosh Hashana last fall, we entered the Jewish year 5780—a new year and a new decade (the 80s are back, baby!). We’re in the year/decade of the mouth, and more significantly, Breakthrough. We’ve entered a prophetic season of supernatural strength and power to overcome.
Why does the Bible say 7 Times 70? Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times'. Matthew 18:21-22 This passage emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and [...]
"I savored every page (The God of the Way). Someone else here said it already but it’s worth repeating…unlike other books you read once and done - I will be rereading this book for years to come. It’s one of my keepers..."
What is Fusion with Rabbi Jason?
It is in looking back at what God has done that we can see forward to His future plans for us. “For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jer 29:11.
At Fusion Global with Rabbi Jason Sobel, we want to add definition to your faith as we restore the lost connection to our ancient roots and rediscover our forgotten inheritance.