With your faithful giving, we want to give back to you.

Access the Teaching Library

We are thrilled to now offer access to the Teaching Libary from Rabbi Jason Sobel with courses like Letters and Numbers, past Torah portions, Biblical Holidays, and hundreds of other teachings through the Fusion Global Teaching Library.

Now available exclusively for recurring monthly donors—You are going to love it!


With plenty of courses to choose from, you’ll find exactly what you need to get what you need!


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Traditions & Culture

With plenty of courses to choose from, you’ll find exactly what you need to get what you need!

Request the Teaching Library Today

Become a recurring donor of at least $25 monthly and get exclusive access to courses like Letters and Numbers, past Torah Portions, teaching moments, and a lot more as a thank you for helping us reach, teach, and train many more in need of messages like these.

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Get Trained and Transformed

Our Courses


7 Sessions

5 star

Foundations Course

Letters and Numbers

Volume 1,
Aleph – Chet

5 star

Fusion Global Access 600

Best of Rabbi Jason Sobel


5 star

Best of

Torah Portion Guides and Torah Portion Teachings


Past PDF’s Included

5 star

Get free access to Torah Portions from Rabbi Jason Sobel

Aligning with God’s Appointed Times

The Biblical Holidays
Livestreams, Teachings, and Specials

5 star


Mysteries of the Messiah TV SERIES

From TBN, Season 1
Experience Israel, animation, teaching

5 star

MysteriesoftheMessiah_VOD_Thumbnail_1920x1080 copy

Mysteries of the Messiah Podcast

Season 1
Teachings, Show Notes, and Special Guests

5 star


The Chosen Unveiled: Season 1

Produced in partnership with:
The Chosen and TBN

5 star

Chosen Unveiled

The Birth of a Jewish King All Access

The Christmas Story Revealed

5 star


Walking with Rabbi Jesus

The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah

Teaching Library

Walking with Slide Thumb

"Foundations are fundamentals - This class (Fusion Foundations) or teaching has given me a deeper respect for God's full Word and His deep and enduring Love for all creation through His Chosen people. Praying for the Peace, Shalom, Wholeness of Israel."

Susan Bischoff
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