Aaronic Blessing Birkat Kohanim

Birkat Kohanim // The Priestly Blessing

The Birkat Kohanim, initially commanded by God for the Kohanim (priests, descendants of Aaron), in the time of the Temple, this blessing was performed twice daily, after the morning offering and the afternoon offering. Today, at least in Israel, it is performed daily in Synagogue prayers. When parents bless their children every Friday night, they also use this blessing.  

666 Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast and Why 666?

It’s almost certainly no exaggeration to suggest that the most infamous number in all scripture is “666” (see Rev 13:18). Two foundational points need to be established to reach a deeper understanding of this biblical number. The FIRST issue is the symbolism or meaning of the number six. In Hebraic thought, six is the number of man (Adam was created on the sixth day) specifically, and the number of the whole of the physical realm generally.

Purim Party

When is Purim? | Rabbi Jason Sobel

The Jewish Holiday of Purim celebrates God’s deliverance for the Jewish people as found in the Book of Esther. Purim occurs in the month of Adar. When Adar comes, there is a season of joy. This is what the Jewish sages say, “Just as we decrease joy in the month of Av, so should we increase joy in the month of Adar.”

aligning for breakthrough

What is Your Role in Experiencing Breakthrough in Your Life This Year?

What is your role in experiencing breakthrough in your life this year? – Aligning for breakthrough with Rabbi Jason Sobel – Most people want to experience “the good life.” What that is, exactly, differs from person to person. As followers of Yeshua, we know that He is both the essence of the good life and the way to it. As the Lord said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life! No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). However, the fruitful, abundant life God promised us is not a given. Therefore, we must sincerely and humbly seek first His Kingdom (Matt 6:33) and abide in Yeshua (John 15). One word embodies this seeking and abiding: alignment. Alignment occurs as we surrender to God’s grace in every area of our lives.

New Year’s Resolutions: Breakthrough | Rabbi Jason Sobel

Millions of people step into the New Year with “New Year’s resolutions.” This practice of setting goals for the upcoming year has its pros and cons, but as followers of Yeshua-Jesus, we need to ask ourselves: what is the source of our goals and how do we hope to achieve them?

Chanukah: the Light of the world dwells within us | Rabbi Jason Sobel

Chanukah is a time of joy and celebration for Jewish people all over the world. It is a season of hope—the confident belief that our future will be better than our past. As followers of Yeshua-Jesus, we have a reason to celebrate: the Light of the world dwells within us. I invite you to join me as we take a closer look at this holiday and consider its meaning on a spiritual and personal level.

No Shalom for the Wicked

No Shalom for the Wicked | Rabbi Jason Sobel

What do I mean by, “No Shalom for the Wicked”? Join me, Rabbi Jason, as I walk through a passage of Scripture many Christians relate to the Lord’s Second Coming. The insights and revelation on the “days of Noah” will guide you as you endeavor to live a life of holiness and favor in your generation.

Torah and Greatness

An Invitation to Greatness: Torah | Rabbi Jason Sobel | Fusion Global

An invitation to Greatness – The Torah and You. What if we thought of Yeshua not only as the “Lord of the Shabbat” but of the Torah as well (see Matt 12:1-8)? After all, the Torah was written for the sake of the Messiah. In its pages, we discover the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge that have the power to transform us by God’s Ruach (Spirit). By His grace, may we all say with the psalmist, O how I love Your Torah! 
It is my meditation all day. (Psalm 119:97 tlv)


Tashlich – Cast Your Cares into the Depths of the Sea

Join me and cast your cares into the depths of the sea – a special ceremony during the “10 days of Awe” between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur meant to release us from the old care, regrets, and sins of last year as we begin the new year.

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer a Teaching by Rabbi Jason Sobel

Prayer is essential to a flourishing spiritual life. In the Scripture, the Apostle Paul directs us to “pray constantly” (1 Thess 5:17). What is prayer? For many people, prayer is heartfelt communion with God, sincere “dialogue” with our Maker. This communication commonly takes the form of spontaneous, unscripted speech. But throughout the history of both the Jewish and Christian traditions, there have also been formal, written prayers for the entire community’s use.

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