
Are You Ready for Your Blessing?

Are You Ready for Your Blessing? “The former account I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which He was taken up, after He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen, to whom He also presented Himself alive […]


The Symbolism of Sacrifice

The Symbolism of Sacrifice Think of the best book you’ve ever read. Why did you enjoy it so much? Likely because the authors used tools to draw you in with a strong plot so you could learn a significant lesson from the story. In the world of literature, many writers use a tool called foreshadowing […]

Vayak’hel Pekudei

ave you ever watched a sports event where the player with the ball refused to pass to his or her teammates? Some might call those players “ball hogs,” but more than that, they’re just poor leaders. In their refusal to share the spotlight with their team, they compromise the game’s success. We see a similar […]

Sparked and Still Burning: Tetzaveh

This week’s Torah portion begins with God saying to Moses,“You yourself will command the children of Israel to take pure, pressed olive oil for illumination, to kindle the lamp continually” (Exodus 27:20). Only a few precepts in the Torah are introduced by the word tetzaveh, or “command,” rather than the more commonly used words tomar, “to say,” or tedabber, “to speak.” What does this difference mean? […]

Shomer Yisrael

This is a powerful song and prayer asking the L-rd to protect Israel. Performed live by Tracy Thomas at our Fusion Erev Yom Kippur service. SHOMER YISRAEL Shomer Yisrael, sh’mor she’arit Yisrael Ve’al yovad Yisrael, ha’omrim, “Sh’ma Yisrael” GUARDIAN OF ISRAEL Guardian of Israel, protect the remnant of Israel Let Israel not perish, those who […]

Hu Eloheinu

“Hu Eloheinu” song performed live by Tracy Thomas at our Fusion Erev Yom Kippur service. This song reminds us that He is our G-d, He is our Father, He is our King, He is our Deliverer. ‘ HU ELOHEINU Hu Eloheinu, Hu Avinu Hu Malkenu, Hu Moshieinu V’hu yashmienu b’rahamav she’nit She’nit l’enei kol chai […]

Taste and See: The Miracle at Marah

It had been nearly a month since the Israelites were set free from their slavery in Egypt. Now they were wandering in the wilderness, and they were growing disillusioned. When they ran out of water, they started to panic. God allowed this to happen in order to test the Israelites, and to teach them more […]

Kol Nidre

Enjoy this beautiful song, Kol Nidre, traditionally sung at the beginning of Erev Yom Kippur service. This clip is from our Fusion Yom Kippur event. The song is performed by Fusion worship leader Tracy Thomas. KOL NIDRE Kol Nidre Ve’esaray ush’vuay V’charamay vekonamay V’kinusay v’chinuyay D’indarna Ud’ishtabana ud’acharimna Ud’assarna al nafshatana MiYom Kippurim zeh Ad Yom […]

A Voice from On High: Yitro

Our sages disagree on the number of commandments that our ancestors heard at Sinai. Maimonides, for example, says that Israel only heard God directly speak the first two commandments. Others believe that the Jewish people heard all Ten Commandments as they were spoken by God. Which is correct? According to the famous medieval Rabbi and Torah Scholar Rashi, […]

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