
Biblical Calendar 5785

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Experience the intersection of the holidays, history, and scripture in ways that make your faith come alive.




Frequently Bought Together

Signs and Secrets of the Messiah: A Fresh Look At The Miracles of Jesus

Faith is Key to the Miraculous


"Thank you for the biblical history lesson!"

Susan A.

“Wait a second! If Jesus celebrated the Biblical holidays, then I want to celebrate them also!
But I do not know where to start!”

We have heard this from many of you through the years. At some point, you had a big “aha” moment. You learned that Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, and all of God’s Appointed Times are filled with meaning and were important to our Messiah and His followers. And now, you want to experience the richness and blessings of God’s calendar too! If this has been your desire, I have good news. The Biblical Calendar is going to help you follow the same rhythms of time that Yeshua-Jesus lived by. 

Starting with the first Sabbath in Genesis 1 and continuing through the magnificent feasts ordained by God in Leviticus 23, the Jewish people have always organized the “times and seasons” around the Lord. Thus, they created the “Hebrew” calendar that Yeshua-Jesus and His people have followed for thousands of years.

We have developed this resource to help you reorient yourself to this approach to time.

    • Reading the Five Books of Moses, known as “Torah Portions”
    • Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord, along with special readings
    • Mark the names and dates of the Jewish months (corresponding to the civic calendar)
    • Be aware of significant events in Israel’s history from the first day of Creation
    • Watch the alignment of holidays celebrated in Christian tradition
    • More!

Do you want to walk in the footsteps of Yeshua-Jesus? I am confident you do. This calendar will help you do that and give you a genuine connection to God’s rhythm, story, and people throughout history.

May you not only learn but also experience profound personal transformation as you participate in the holy, appointed times of God!

Many Blessings to You
Rabbi Jason Sobel

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