A Night of Life-Giving Study
Experience The Transformative Power Of Shavuot: Dive Into Life-changing Study With Rabbi Jason Sobel
A Night of Life-Giving Study
Experience The Transformative Power Of Shavuot: Dive Into Life-changing Study With Rabbi Jason Sobel
According to Jewish tradition, King David was born and died (!) on Shavuot. In light of this, it is fascinating to note that David was considered the foremost Torah authority of his time. Shavuot is the biblical holiday that commemorates the giving of the Ten Commandments (and, by extension, the Torah) on Mount Sinai. Yeshua’s disciples celebrate Pentecost, the Greek term for this festival, because of the giving of His Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) on this day. Our heavenly Father gave two supernatural gifts given on the same day in history. There must be a reason…
In the Hebrew Bible, God presented the first gift on Mount Sinai in the form of the Torah (the first five books in the Bible). He “poured out” the second gift on 120 men and women in the Upper Room in Jerusalem. Luke describes this radical infilling of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2. The Lord’s gracious work on that Day of Pentecost brought physical, emotional, and spiritual freedom to His precious people. This freedom empowered them to understand and respond to the bountiful harvest of His Word.
We have always acknowledged that nothing is random with God. It is appropriate then that Jesus, who died on Passover, would rise from the dead as “the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Cor. 15:20). After rising, He instructed the disciples: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised…for John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 1:4-5)
Yeshua’s resurrection on the Feast of Firstfruits started the countdown to Pentecost, a monumental day that is recorded as the biggest biblical celebration on record. We’re STILL celebrating, almost 2,000 years later!
Join me, a few guests, and your Fusion Tribe, family for a night of study, prayer, and praise. We are diving into:
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